- Piloted our first virtual Dementia Friends information session and Dementia Friends Champions training.
- The National Plan to Address Alzheimer’s Disease gives a shout-out to IA2 and recognizes the work adapting the Dementia Friends content for American Indian and Alaska Native Communities.
- We are excited to be sharing healthy traditional recipes on our Facebook page. Be sure to follow along!
- The National Plan to Address Alzheimer’s Disease has been updated with a new prevention goal. Check out the impact IA2 has made!
- IA2 has pulled together a resource titled American Indians, Alaska Natives and Dementia, Memory Changes, and Alzheimer’s Disease – Facts and Figures. Be sure to check it out!
- Our Advisory Group convened featuring a presentation on risk reduction by Matthew Baumgart from the Public Health Center of Excellence on Risk Reduction and findings from an environmental scan on tribal laws and policy on Alzheimer’s and dementia in tribal and Alaska Native communities by Splaine Consulting. Each presentation was followed by engaging facilitated small group break-out sessions and large group discussion. We are also very excited to welcome a new member to our advisory group, Dr. Amanda Boyd.
In other IA2 news:
- Check out one of our latest News releases: Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Adds 6th goal to the National Alzheimer’s Plan: Accelerate Action to Promote Healthy Aging and Reduce Risk Factors for Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias
- IA2 Awarded Department of Justice Elder Wandering Grant
- IA2 had a social media campaign in December and January promoting flu vaccines including messaging for elders and dementia. Be sure to follow along on our Twitter here for future campaigns!
- Hosted a Dementia support group facilitator training for Native communities in partnership with Alzheimer’s Los Angeles.
- Hosted Native Elder Caregiver Support Group Facilitator Training by the University of North Dakota with funding from the CDC Foundation.
- In partnership with IA2, Dr. Jolie Crowder participated in the Native America Calling radio talk show sharing information and opportunities regarding caregiving and available resources.
- Continued to work on our growing Native Brain Health Resource Library
- Including additions of an Alzheimer’s Disease Fact Sheet and “What Are the Signs of Alzheimer’s Disease?“
Our CDC Foundation project team is hard at work on activities that are a great complement to our Brain Health Resource Center work. With support from the CDC Foundation, IA2 is offering a continually growing
>> caregiving resource library!
IA2 continues to offer print-on-demand stipends of $250 for flyers and posters from the IA2, ASTHO, and National Council for Urban Indian Health (NCUIH) suite of materials developed with funding from the CDC.
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