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Intervention – Savvy Caregiver in Indian Country Materials

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The Savvy Caregiver in Indian Country Trainer Program leader resources are designed for Savvy Program Leaders (aka Trainers) as an evidence-based intervention for working with American Indian and Alaska Native caregivers who care for an elder with memory loss or thinking problems, such as dementia.

One of the main themes of the Savvy Caregiver in Indian Country Trainer’s Manual is to teach caregivers the stage of dementia corresponding to their loved one’s functioning. Knowing how to determine the stage allows the caregiver to use activates and tasks that fit the elder’s changing abilities. This version is an adaption of the original Savvy Caregiver program developed by the University of Minnesota. It was designed as a 6-part / 6-week group session, but can be adapted for 1:1 use by anyone who works with caregivers of people with memory issues.

The Savvy Caregiver in Indian Country adaptation was developed by principal author, Dr. Joseph Neil Henderson. It is one of only a few resources that is evidence-based and has been adapted for use in Indian country and Alaskan communities. At the 2021 NICOA Elder’s Conference, pre-registered attendees had the opportunity to participate in official in-person Savvy Caregiver in Indian Country training from Dr. Joseph Neil Henderson.

IA2 will be offering periodic small group trainings by Dr. Henderson nationally for those who wish to become Savvy Caregiver in Indian Country Program Leaders from 2021-2025 with the generous support of a cooperative agreement with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Current resources include:

Stay tuned for additional resources and updates.

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