Tribal Affiliation: Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians
Education: M.ED; MFA Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA
BS; University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, ND
TMK Independent Contractor, Belcourt, ND. (2014 – Present) Position requires an ability to write proposals, review proposals specific to grant application requirements, conduct focus groups, address research studies, being flexible to tribal needs and provide written reports as required by contract.
Director of Tribal Analytic Institute (TAI) United Tribes Technical College, (UTTC), Bismarck, ND. UTTC (2004 – 2012) UTTC is owned and operated by five North Dakota Tribal Nations to provide a residential community with a family-centered learning focus. The Tribal Analytics Institute (TAI) is an intertribal program serving the Tribes of North Dakota. The TAI was developed to help Tribes identify and address their unique needs, create long-term solutions and use effective, Native-based research practices to build tribal capacity and improve tribal program services.
Community Liaison (Program Officer) for the Northwest Area Foundation, (NWAF), St. Paul, MN. (2002 – 2004) NWAF is a philanthropic organization committed to helping communities reduce poverty. The Foundation works with communities in Minnesota, Iowa, North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana, Idaho, Washington, and Oregon, forming partnerships to develop long-term solutions to poverty.
Policy Analyst for the National Indian Health Board, (NIHB) Denver, CO. (1999 – 2001) Position required an understanding of research and the ability to analyze information provided through an academic, spiritual, cultural, intellectual, social, emotional and physical development which promoted a healthy quality of life for American Indians and Alaska Natives.
Partner in Kashpaw Enterprises, Turtle Mountain Indian Reservation, Belcourt, North Dakota (1996 – 2001) an American Indian female-owned company which provided technical assistance to Tribes on project and business development, policy and procedures, fiscal accountability and management practices.
Chairperson of the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians, (1988 – 1990; 1990 – 1992; 1994 – 1996) first female to be seated as the head of the Tribal Government for 3 terms. Along with performing other duties as required as head of a Tribal Nation also led the effort to recode all of Turtle Mountain Tribal Laws, some of which had not been addressed since 1976.
Director of Project 2000, (1993 – 1995) a capital construction campaign utilizing financial resources from federal, state and the private sector, to construct a new campus for the Turtle Mountain Community College.
Director of Development, Haskell Indian Junior College, Lawrence, KS (1977 – 1980) Position required first-hand knowledge of philanthropic and corporate funding sources to advance institutional needs such as, funding for an alumni office, funding for a computer main frame, computer equipment and required computer technology, and funding for a lecture series.
Director of Turtle Mountain Community College, (1973 – 1975) involved in the development of Turtle Mountain Community College and the American Indian Higher Education Consortium.
Boards/Appointments: Phelps-Stokes Fund Board of Directors; Office of Women’s Health – Minority Women’s Health Panel of Experts; Housing Assistance Council; UND Indians Into Medicine; Rural Development Leadership Network; Native People Cancer Control; Native Elders Research Committee, (can provide others upon request).
Visited over 34 countries with majority of the visits sponsored by: W.K. Kellogg Leadership Award; the U.S. State Department; the Phelps-Stokes Fund; the Ford Foundation Fellowship; the Rural Development Leadership Network; and, Oxfam.