Chandra Wilson serves as the program manager for BOLD and the NW Tribal Elder’s Project at the Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board located in Portland, Oregon. In her role as the program manager, she manages and is responsible for supporting the goals and objectives for the BOLD grant and oversees and manages the overall work for the BOLD and NTEP projects and is responsible for assisting the member tribes of Idaho, Oregon and Washington with capacity building to address Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias.
Prior to returning back to the health board where she worked for over a decade in programs and operations, Chandra has worked as a Human Resources Professional with the Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission and the National Indian Child Welfare Association. She is a health professional and social worker with a clear personal and professional goal to do work that will improve the health status of Native American people, and bring awareness and education of dementia, brain health and memory loss especially to tribal community caregivers, elders and families. My interests and work are committed to developing programs and policies that will support my community and address the persistent health disparities that tribal communities’ experiences.
Raised primary by her grandmother, Chandra is Klamath, Modoc, and Yahooskin of the Klamath Tribes of Oregon, and was raised on the Warm Springs Indian Reservation – both tribes are located in Oregon. I am the Mother of two daughters, and a Grandmother to one grandson. I love to be outdoors, listen to music, dance, read and travel.
Chandra received a Bachelor of Science degree in Human Development, with a minor in Human Resources Management from Warner Pacific University, and a Master of Social Work, with an emphasis in Policy, Leadership, and Community Development from Portland State University