The International Association for Indigenous Aging (IA2) is Proud to Contribute to Groundbreaking Healthy Brain Initiative (HBI) Road Map for American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) Peoples
January 21, 2025 – The International Association for Indigenous Aging (IA2) is excited to be part of the release of the second edition of the Healthy Brain Initiative (HBI) Road Map for American Indian and Alaska Native Peoples, scheduled tomorrow, January 22, 2025, in Atlanta, GA, at 2:00PM EST. It will also be live streamed for public viewing from 2:30 – 3:30 PM EST. Register here to watch the Live Stream webinar. https://bit.ly/4hdfDz3
This updated road map, led by the Alzheimer’s Association and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), with important contributions from IA2, builds on the success of the 2019 edition. More than 200 community members and public health professionals from AI/AN communities contributed their ideas to help shape it.
The Road Map offers clear steps to improve brain health, address dementia, and provide better support for caregivers among Native communities. IA2 played a key part in the Road Map’s development by adding culturally meaningful stories and images that honor the traditions and knowledge of AI/AN peoples, and hosting listening sessions with advocates and other leading voices from Indian country. The Road Map includes a video based on the story, “The River,” written by Dr. Anton (Waagosh) Truer, and is narrated by IA2 co-founder, and nationally recognized advocate for indigenous elders, Dave Baldridge (Cherokee), vividly bringing the narrative to life. You can watch the video here. The expertise of the IA2 team was vital in helping ensure that the Road Map reflects the unique needs and perspectives of Indigenous elders and their communities.
“Addressing the unique health challenges in AI/AN communities requires teamwork and culturally respectful approaches that honor tribal sovereignty and Indigenous knowledge,” said Bill Benson, President of at IA2, adding, “Being part of this road map reflects our commitment to improving the lives of Indigenous elders. By combining traditional wisdom with modern science, we can create fairer and more appropriate health solutions and better outcomes for everyone.”
Many people worked hard to make this road map possible, including IA2 staff and board members, members of its Brain Health Executive Steering Committee and Healthy Brain Initiative Advisory Group, and community partners. Some of the contributors included:
IA2 Staff:
Bill Benson, President of IA2
Breana Dorame (Gabrielino – Tongva), Tribal Public Health and Aging Senior Associate
Ron Eppes, Director of Dementia and Alzheimer’s Projects
Kelsey Donnellan, Former Director of Dementia and Alzheimer’s Projects
Executive Steering Committee:
Twila Martin Kekahbah, MEd (Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa) Independent Contractor TMK
Dr. J. Neil Henderson (Oklahoma Choctaw), IA2 Board Member, Professor Emeritus University of Minnesota Medical School)
Mike Splaine, Splaine Consulting
Billie Tohee, MLS, LL.M (Otoe-Missouria), Executive Director National Indian Council on Aging (NICOA)
Advisory Group:
Carla Eben (Pyramid Lake Paiute), Senior Services (Title VI) Director of Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe
Chandra Wilson, MSW (Modoc/Klamath/Yahooskin), Project Director Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board
Eva Jackson, MPH, Associate Director, Healthy Brain Initiative – Alzheimer’s Association
Jordan P Lewis PhD, MSW, CPG (Aleut and Sugpiaq, Native Village of Naknek) Director of Research/Research Professor, Center for One Health Research University of Alaska Fairbanks
Community Partners: The Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe of Nevada and other communities.
These individuals shared their time and knowledge to help design strategies that truly meet the needs of AI/AN communities.
“IA2 is proud to have built the connections with American Indian and Alaska Native communities for the Road Map work. For those new to working on brain health issues in these Indigenous communities, this road map is an essential place to start,” said Ron Eppes, Director of Dementia and Alzheimer’s Projects at IA2.
IA2 is a national not-for-profit organization dedicated to improving the well-being of indigenous elders throughout the nation. In addition to operating the American Indian and Alaska Native Resource Center for Brain Health, IA2 also hosts the federally funded Native American Elder Justice Initiative National Resource Center, among other national initiatives. Learn more about IA2 at www.iasquared.org.
For more information on IA2 ADRD initiatives, please contact Ron Eppes, Director of Dementia and Alzheimer’s Projects (Ron@iasquared.org).