- May 17, 2021IA2 Senior Project Director, Dr. Jolie Crowder, has co-authored a newly-published manuscript for Frontiers in Medical Sociology detailing findings from an analysis of…
- April 22, 2021Planning Guide Table of Contents The National Council of Urban Indian Health (NCUIH) has developed a planning…
- April 17, 2021A national analysis of data found that American Indian and Alaska Native people age 45 and older who report experiencing “subjective…
- March 18, 2021A new special report by the Alzheimer’s Association, Race, Ethnicity and Alzheimer’s in America examines perspectives and experiences of Native…
- December 18, 2020Washington, DC (December 18, 2020) – Mortality rates related to COVID-19 related infections for American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) people are…
- May 17, 2019Healthy Brain Initiative Roadmap for Indian Country Released The Healthy Brain Initiative’s Roadmap for Indian Country was released on May…
- August 18, 2016IA2 Project Featured Nationally by HHS: 1,000 Grandmothers: Safe Sleeping Initiative August 18, 2016–Today the U.S. Department of Health and…
- May 5, 2016April 25, 2016 Contact: dave@iasquared.org TMBCI Council Meeting with Diabetes Director and IA2's Executive Director IA2…
- February 18, 2015IA2 staff in conjunction with lead author Dr. Mario Garrett, co-authored an article as part of a special issue of The Gerontologist devoted…
- February 28, 2014From Kaiser PermanenteDementia risk greatest for older Native-Americans and African-Americans with diabetesDec. 11, 2013In the first study to look at…