- September 23, 2021For Washington State University researcher Dr. Amanda Boyd, her life-long goal is to identify health risks, including for dementia, and…
- September 1, 2021Brain Health Originally posted on: [post_date][post_comments] [post_edit] Community Voices Healthy Brain Blog – Health Disparities: Code for Slow Death By…
- August 31, 2021In early August, IA2 participated in NICOA’s Elders Conference in Reno, Nevada. IA2 hosted listening sessions, trainings, workshops, photo sessions,…
- August 27, 2021August 25, 2021 Contact: Mary Ann Franks, MPH, Public Health Communications Associate maryann@iasquared.org The International Association for Indigenous Aging (IA2)…
- August 20, 2021Newsletter Navigation: Clicking on each title with navigate to that section in the newsletter July Resource Center in Action Promising…
- August 20, 2021The Resource Center In Action Welcome to the 1st American Indian and Alaska Native Brain Health Resource Center E-news from…
- July 22, 2021Carla Eben (Northern Paiute) Pesa Tabeno-How Mu, Nu Carla me nanea. Nu Kooyooe Tukadu. Wono Panunudu kwaetoo kemmudu. E numunanea…
- July 19, 2021By Mike Splaine, Splaine Consulting and Jolie Crowder July 18, 2021 Featuring: Dr. Tassy Parker, University of New Mexico, Center for…
- July 15, 2021The Center for Rural Health (CRH) connects resources and knowledge to strengthen the health of people in rural and tribal…
- July 2, 2021July 2, 2021 Contact: Mary Ann Franks, Public Health Communications Associate, maryann@iasquared.org HOTEL RESERVATIONS MUST BE MADE NO LATER THAN…