As a tribal program, IA2 does not provide emergency or direct services. If you are in an unsafe situation or need immediate assistance please dial 911.

The September Brain Health Resource Center In Action

We have officially made it to fall! September has been a busy month for the IABrain Health team. Check out some of the latest highlights.
            — By IA2 – 10 Warning Signs Flyer for American Indian in Alaska Native communities (6 designs to choose from)
— By IA2 – Tribal Law and Policy for Dementia and Alzheimer’s by IA²
— Ideas for Tribal Public Health Approaches to Dementia – a menu of activities for health & public health
— Resource – GoodHealthTV Native American PSA on Dementia narrated by Jesse Jones
— Banner Alzheimer’s Institute releases “Walk with Me” CD with Native music for people living with dementia
— Indian Country Dementia ECHO presentation videos
— Research – Public Health Policy Recommendations for Unpaid Dementia Caregiving
  • Follow our Facebook page for campaigns and resources you can share or borrow for your own social media and newsletters– and please share within your circle to help us spread the word.
In other IA2 news:

IA can print and ship up to $250 worth of flyers or other resources directly to your tribe or Urban Indian Health Organization. Email us for info on what is available for printing or for more info.

Click here to read our Resource Center updates, learn about our upcoming events, and what we’ve been doing to help American Indian and Alaska Native communities address brain health, Alzheimer’s, and dementia.

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