With the intention of helping improve the quality of life for people in tribal communities who are living with some form of memory loss in addition to their caregivers, the Native American Outreach Program at Banner Alzheimer’s Institute (BAI) collaborated with Sunshine Music Therapy and Canyon Records to record songs onto a CD performed by various Native American musicians.
Heather Mulder, the associate director of outreach services at BAI, states that, “music can be used as a tool to connect, communicate, move, modify mood, or even help with self-care” because of the continuous and varied changes that a person with dementia can experience as their condition worsens. The Alzheimer’s Association also claims that persons with dementia and Alzheimer’s can benefit greatly by listening to music, such as improving behavioral problems and giving patients a method where they can interact with people when they are unable to speak vocally.This collection of songs, entitled “Walk With Me”, will be distributed in native areas where outreach for dementia and Alzheimer’s can be difficult. However, caregivers of dementia patients may also obtain this CD, through contacting this email: BAIFCS@bannerhealth.com