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Case Studies: Innovations from the Field: How are Area Agencies on Aging and Title VI Programs Address Brain Health

This set of case studies, funded by the U.S. Administration for Community Living (ACL), builds upon a 2019 poll of AAAs conducted by the National Association of Area Agencies on Aging (n4a) about AAA programs and services to address dementia and improve brain health. The findings are described in the report, Dementia and Brain Health: The Role of Area Agencies on Aging4 and contextualized for the COVID-19 era in an ACL-n4a joint publication in the Public Policy and Aging Report. These case studies highlight innovative efforts that are being undertaken by AAAs and Title VI programs to address brain health from the perspective of educating caregivers and families as well as delivering programs to stimulate mental acuity among older adults experiencing Alzheimer’s disease and/or related forms of dementia.

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