In one single month, just some of the things accomplished by our small but mighty team:
- Participated in two sessions at the CDC BOLD and Healthy Brain Initiative Annual Grantee meeting.
- Executive Director, Dave Baldridge, presented on the CDC Foundation’s Search. Find. Help. webinar regarding the challenges and successes of American Indian and Alaska Native communities in their battle against COVID – 19. Forward to around minute 6 here for Dave’s statement. Following that, the webinar morphed into an interesting Q&A about challenges faced by community based(CBO) organizations and strategies to overcome, discussed by Dr. Jolie Crowder IA2 joined Dave during that portion of the webinar and a second CBO staff member.
- Attended the White House Tribal Nations Summit.
- Attended the Healthy Brain Initiative’s Risk Reduction Collaborative Peer Webinar Series.
- Hosted Savvy Caregiver for Indian Country NICOA Conference training participants to discuss use of the intervention in local communities and future needs.
- Social media flexing (learned last month during the American Public Health Association Meeting). See below!
- Hosted a Healthy Brain Website Talking Circle to receive feedback and insight into user experience of our recently launched Brain Health website.
- Board President, Bill Benson provided a keynote for the New Mexico 43rd Annual Conference on Aging
- IA2 ‘s Dr. Jolie Crowder in partnership with Valerie Tsosie (So’Tsoh Foundation) and Ron Eppes (Alzheimer’s Assocation New Mexico) spoke at a virtual session at the New Mexico Conference on Dementia Resources and Services from local to national.
- Dr. Jolie Crowder was joined by Casey Acklin from the Dementia Engagement, Education, and Research Program (University of Nevada, Reno) provided a second presentation at the New Mexico Conference that offered a sneak peek of the newly adapted Dementia Friends information session content specifically for American Indian and Alaska Native communities.
- Participated in Indian Country Echo Sessions. This is a monthly series with sessions offered for Caregivers and Community staff and a second offering for healthcare clinicians from the I/T/U health system. To view past sessions or learn more about upcoming sessions click here.
- Continued to work on our growing Native Brain Health Resource Library
NEW – My Native Plate and First Aid for People with Alzheimer’s
Our CDC Foundation project team is also hard at work on activities that are a great complement to our Brain Health Resource Center work. With support from the CDC Foundation, IA2 is working on a training plan that starts with
>> Support Group Facilitator Training for tribal staff and community members 12/14
>> and a new caregiving resource library!
IA2 continues to offer print-on-demand stipends of $250 for flyers and posters from the IA2, ASTHO, and National Council for Urban Indian Health (NCUIH) suite of materials developed with funding from the CDC.
>>Follow our new Facebook page and share – we could use the support!
>>Check out our cool analytics on Twitter… 5,426 impressions in Nov & 1,000+ folks checked out our profile