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NEWS RELEASE: IA2 Recognizes Native American Heritage Month

Washington, DC (November 26, 2020) — November marks the observance of Native American Heritage month–an opportunity to recognize the storied history, diversity, and contributions of American Indians and Alaska Natives (AIANs) in the United States.

The International Association for Indigenous Aging (IA2) joins in the chorus of voices acknowledging the resilience and shared successes of American Indian and Alaska Native people. Just this month historic Native voter turnout reportedly had a hand in tipping the balance of power in elections, and a record number of Native Americans and Native Hawaiians were elected to the House of Representatives, including three Native American women. #NativeVote

Native American Heritage month especially provides the opportunity to honor the sacred role Native elders play in their communities as the guardians of tribal knowledge and in keeping culture and traditions alive. American Indian and Alaska Native elders are a population poised to grow at one of the fastest of all races. Yet, long-standing health, socio-economic, and other social disparities of health that have historically plagued their lives continues to go under-recognized. A situation grossly exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Policymakers have much to do to address and overcome both new and enduring issues to enable tribal communities, sovereign nations and their people to progress on a safer, healthier path forward.

To that end, we look forward to celebrating the lives and accomplishments of older indigenous people and communities not only this month but every month. More importantly we endeavor to meaningful and measurable improvements in the lives of our elders when next we celebrate Native American Heritage Month.

Be safe and well.

IA2 is pleased to highlight events and activities being sponsored during the remainder of Native American Heritage Month (and beyond):

  • National Indian Health Board’s National American Indian and Alaska Native Heritage Month Marketplace! Start your holiday shopping while supporting artists from across Indian Country 11/18-11/30! #AIANHeritageMonth
  • In honor of #NativeAmericanHeritageMonth & Native American Heritage Day, join the Virtual Medicine Run/Walk for Safety & Sovereignty for Our Sisters 11/26-11/29 for #MMIWG2S relatives.
  • The National Council of Urban Indian Health is hosting a Virtual [Urban Indian] Pow Wow 11/30/20 3-4pm ET! Culture, songs, and dances play an important role in #NativeHealth and healing. Take a moment to pause, reconnect with culture and remember those most affected in these trying times. Join a wrap up of Native American Heritage Month. #NAHM #NativeAmerican For more information:
  • Check out the California Rural Indian Health Board, Inc. and California Tribal Epidemiology Center’s #StayHomeSaveLives ad campaign social media posters here:

#AIANHeritageMonth #NativeAmericanHeritageMonth #NAHM #NativeAmerican #StayHomeSaveLives #NativeHealth #NativeVote


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