November 18, You are invited to join the IA2 team today for a variety of webinars and speaking engagements free to the public. At 12pm ET, Dave Baldridge (Cherokee), IA2 executive director, will be joined by IA2‘s Dr. Jolie Crowder on the CDC Foundation’s Search. Find. Help. Webinar. Baldridge will provide opening remarks that speak to challenges and successes of American Indian and Alaska Native communities in their battle against COVID-19. The webinar features a new online resource library: Search. Find. Help. and action plan has been created to support community organizations in identifying and adapting the most relevant resources for their community.The resources have been gathered through research conducted by NORC at the University of Chicago. This is a project of the CDC Foundation with technical assistance from the CDC, utilizing funds from the CDC Foundation’s flexible COVID-19 Response Fund.Click here to tune in. Also at 12pm ET, Bill Benson, IA2 president, will be offering a keynote presentation at the virtual New Mexico 43rd Annual Conference on Aging.Click here to register and attend. 3pm ET/ 1pm MT, Baldridge and Crowder will be joined by Valerie Tsosie (So’ Tsoh Foundation) and Ron Eppes (Alzheimer’s Association New Mexico) for a virtual session at the NM Conference on Dementia Resources and Services from Local to National. Eppes and Tsosie will share details of a new partnership designed to increase awareness on Navajo Nation.Click here to register and attend. 4pm ET / 2pm MT, Dr. Crowder will be joined by Case Acklin from the Dementia Engagement, Education and Research Program; University of Nevada, Reno to provide a second presentation at the NM Conference that offers a preview of the newly adapted Dementia Friends programming specifically for American Indian and Alaska Native communities.Click here to register and attend. These engagements follow a full week of sessions and speaking opportunities offered as part of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Healthy Brain Initiative and BOLD Act annual training.
Mary Ann Franks, MPH##