Wednesday, April 26, 2023
My Advance Care Plan & Guide for Native Americans is a culturally adapted tool to help elders make decisions about the types of health care they want in the future and for the end of life. An advance care plan enables elders to identify what is important to them and which types of treatments they want. It also provides guidance so that the health care team, family members, and loved ones can make decisions about care if an elder can no longer tell them what is preferred.
• Discuss the benefits of an advance care plan
• Use an advance care plan to address the needs of American Indians, Alaska
Natives, and Native Hawaiians
Please note your location’s call-in time:
8 a.m. Hawaii
10 a.m. Alaska
11 a.m. Pacific
11 a.m. Arizona
12 p.m. Mountain
1 p.m. Central
2 p.m. Eastern