- We will be offering our 2nd pilot of the virtual Dementia Friends for American Indian and Alaska Native Communities information session and Dementia Friends Champions training in March co-facilitated by one of our newly trained Champions from December. Be sure to read below for registration details and information. Please share with your communities and encourage folks to sign up.
- IA2 staff met with several state and local public health department staff in February to talk about approaches to working with tribal communities, discuss their brain health resource needs, and work to build new relationships. We welcome the chance to meet with you and your team to learn about your work, help navigate current resources in our online resource library, and identify future needs. Send us an email to schedule your “meet and greet” with IA2 staff to connect and learn. We’d love to meet you!
- Our brain health advisory group has been helping us this month with additional feedback on resource material messaging.
- Our team is compiling research to help with the development of resources and products on cultural adaptation for American Indian and Alaska Native communities, use of social media for meaningful behavior change, and brain health risk reduction interventions.
- IA2 continues to add new resources to the Brain Health Resource library daily. Check out this informative video about memory loss.
- Be sure to follow us on Facebook. We are always sharing great tips and information.
In other IA2 news:
- IA2 hosted multiple Title VI Afternoon Chats regarding public health essential services and the public health approach. Watch the recordings here: Week 1. Week 2
- IA2 promoted various content on social media including self-care and support group opportunities. Follow on Twitter for future campaigns and social media messages you can use.
- IA2 ‘s own Bill Benson moderated the National Association of Chronic Disease Directors: Social Determinants of Health: Cancer Risk in American Indian and Alaska Native Populations.
Our CDC Foundation project, focused on training for caregiver’s of people with dementia, and respite care, is coming to a close. There was so much hard work on activities that were a great complement to our Brain Health Resource Center work. With support from the CDC Foundation, IA2 was able to offer
>> Caregiving resource library
>> Respite care grants to 28 elders with memory issues for a combined 1,259 hours of care.
>> Training on Savvy Caregiver for Indian Country and Native Elder Caregiver Curriculum for 444 participants.
>> Narrated online Native Elder Family Caregiving Module by project partner University of North Dakota.
>> Stay tuned for additional lessons learned and findings of interest.CONTACT US FOR FREE PRINTING! We can pay to print and ship our brain health resources to your tribal or urban Indian community! We have $250 stipends to print flyers and posters from the IA2, ASTHO, and National Council for Urban Indian Health (NCUIH) suite of materials developed with funding from the CDC. We can also customize our brain health flyer with your own local community image and color scheme. Email Mary Ann to ask about how.
>> Caregiving resource library
>> Respite care grants to 28 elders with memory issues for a combined 1,259 hours of care.
>> Training on Savvy Caregiver for Indian Country and Native Elder Caregiver Curriculum for 444 participants.
>> Narrated online Native Elder Family Caregiving Module by project partner University of North Dakota.
>> Stay tuned for additional lessons learned and findings of interest.CONTACT US FOR FREE PRINTING! We can pay to print and ship our brain health resources to your tribal or urban Indian community! We have $250 stipends to print flyers and posters from the IA2, ASTHO, and National Council for Urban Indian Health (NCUIH) suite of materials developed with funding from the CDC. We can also customize our brain health flyer with your own local community image and color scheme. Email Mary Ann to ask about how.