Dementia Tribal Capacity Building Webinar – Data, Outreach, and Implementation Resources
Tuesday, May 9th join the IHS Elder Health Team from the Division of Clinical and Community Services along with speakers from the Alzheimer’s Association, International Association for Indigenous Aging, and National Resource Center on Native American Aging to talk about resources to support I/T/U led dementia initiatives. These resources can also support, writing, planning, and implementing current IHS Alzheimer’s cooperative agreements and program awards applications.
What: Tribal Capacity Building: Data, Outreach, & Implementation
When: Tuesday May 9th @ 4pm Eastern Time
Click to register: https://ihs-gov.zoomgov.com/webinar/register/WN_OsMXcYjBQ3KR04NtsGwhDA
For more info: Jolie.Crowder@ihs.gov